Monday, February 11, 2013

Still Waiting

    I had hoped, by this time, to announce that we had received our updated foster care license, but that still hasn't happened.  Several weeks ago we sat with our friend Julia in a training session with our agency, Guidestone, and a roomful of other foster parents.  Julia has consistently been a few weeks ahead of us in "the process" and had, at that time, just received her state-approved license.  Since we submitted our homestudy and other documentation only a few weeks after Julia, we expected that we would hear about our approval by now.  Nope.

In the beginning, I started this blog in an open forum.  I intended for it to be a journal of one family's journey through "the process."  I started anonymously in the event that people I knew might stumble upon it.  Later, through carelessness, I posted from my regular account instead of through my new "Anonymous Dad" account.  When I discovered my mistake I realized that since almost no one was really reading my postings the risk of discovery was low so I didn't bother deleting them and re-posting from the other account.  Still, even this far into the process, we haven't told our families that we are doing this.  At this point there really isn't a good reason other than we haven't thought of a way to do it and it hasn't ever felt like the "right" time.  At  the moment we are thinking that we will tell them when our license arrives.  If we don't we will run the very real risk of explaining it to them after a child has come to live with us.  I expect that would be rather awkward.

We are still looking at the bedrooms in our house and thinking about how we could arrange furniture and where we could put beds so that no one tries to hang from the ceiling fans but, for now we are...

...still waiting.

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