Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Fire Inspection and... More Waiting

    Well, as of yesterday the fire inspection is finally completed.  Mike (I didn't catch his last name) came from the Perry Fire Department and we had a very pleasant, low-stress visit.  We toured the house, checked all the smoke detectors and Carbon Monoxide detectors, had a look at the furnace, water heater and electrical panel/breaker box filled out the paperwork and that was that.

    In the end, Mike had a few suggestions on where to hang our fire extinguishers and that we ought to move a few boxes (our house is still full of boxes from our move five months ago) away from a potential hazard.  Our paperwork is now (as far as I know) completed so we just need to mail some things into Guidestone (our agency) and then wait for our license to be updated.  How long that will take is anyone's guess but we were told at one point it might be up to four weeks.  How long we will wait for a placement after that is entirely in God's hands.

Now we wait...
