Monday, April 9, 2012

Why Here? Why Now? Why Anonymous?

    My wife and I have been adoptive parents for fifteen years.  We adopted first from China in 1996 and then from Russia two years later.  First a daughter and then twin sons.  With all that behind us, why start a blog now?  Simply put, after all this time, for a lot of different reasons, we thought it might be time to start down that road again.  right now we're not sure where this new adventure will lead us.  In fact, we haven't even told our parents just yet (although our children know).  For this last reason, at least for the time being, I will remain anonymous.  Adoption is a lot like pregnancy (not that I would know, personally) in that people are full of all sorts of questions and at this moment, because we aren't really sure where this new adventure will lead us, there are questions that we know our parents will ask that we just aren't prepared to answer... yet.

    Having said all of that, I'm glad you found your way here.  I have often wished that I had kept a journal (or a blog) of our experiences during our first adoptions that I could share with my children and others.  This time, before we get caught up in legal stuff, the endless waiting, the emotional roller coaster and all the other things that we know will come, I wanted to start writing.  In upcoming posts I will explain more about how we got to be where we are and why we decided after all this time, that perhaps it was time to try again.    Years ago on the television show, Little Rascals, as their coaster car careened wildly down a gigantic hill, one of the characters famously said, "I don't know where we're going, but we're on our way!"  That pretty much sums up how I feel at the moment.  So, consider this to be an invitation of sorts.  I'm not sure where this adventure will take us, but you are invited to come along for the ride.

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